Upload Bandwidth Capping At Night ?

Piyush Singh

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I have been an Airtel subscriber for almost an year now & this is the first time I am on the recieving end of the capping of bandwidth, that I see being mentioned around on the forums.I am on a 256 kbps unlimited plan & get Dl/Ul speeds of around 30 KBps during the day which used to go upto 50-55 KBps in the night.But this was before my modem was changed from WD 2 to 220 BX.Since then I am experiencing low upload speeds in the range of 15-20 KBps.In the morning I am again back to my normal speeds.Download speeds are all right both during day & night.But I do not think it has anything to do with the modem change.I asked the CC & they deny any upload speed capping in the night.What would they achieve by capping upload as most of the people are not concerned much with up speed ?I am because I am a member of many private trackers where I've to upload as much as I download to retain the account.I am based at Lucknow, I'd like to know whether this is being experienced by any of u ?Any advise/solutions would be welcome.Thanks.
@Piyush singh i am facing no such problems with uploads speeds and even i am a hardcore torrent uploader. I would advise you to please check the Http upload speeds. Only then you will get an accurate accurate assesment of what your actual max upload speed is during the night.
real_india, I assume that u are based at Lucknow ?How exactly do I go checking the http upload speeds, uploading big images to imageshack would do ?Thanks for ur reply.
I want to confirm can the Airtel guys selectively limit a subscriber's up speed.I am asking this because a friend having same plan as me & living a Km away has no problems with his up speed at night & gets 55+ consistently.

I don't think we have yet reached that stage in India where an ISP will even think of doing it let alone actually capping any individual person.As far as the upload speeds are concerned i get constant 25- 27KBps irrespective of day and night. The upload speed doesn't get doubled at night. This is aleast true for 256 KBps unlimited plan. Other 256KBps unlimited plan users will also agree with me on this fact.I don't know what the actual download/upload speeds users are getting in Fixed Usage plans. I can only guess that the upload speed also doubles with the download speed in the Fixed plan. So maybe there might be some sort of misconfiguration on the part of Airtel and you and your friend were getting the upload speeds of a Fixed plan i.e. upload speed also doubling at night. Now Airtel might have fixed it for your account but your not for your friends account.
QUOTE(Piyush Singh @ Sep 14 2006, 12:27 PM) [snapback]62131[/snapback]
I want to confirm can the Airtel guys selectively limit a subscriber's up speed.
I am asking this because a friend having same plan as me & living a Km away has no problems with his up speed at night & gets 55+ consistently.
I've been on the same plan for similar duration, not noticed any capping to date.

It's slow(er) between 8-12pm but tends to resume at normal speeds thereafter. Normal being 200kbs+

I think its a gltich, happens some times, seems fishy, gets back to normal few days after.

I don't even have dbl speeds at night.
