Sify Broadband Wireless Router Settings


Folks,I need some help ...I just bought a wireless router and I am trying to configure it to work with sify.I have configured it correctly.... i.e. I have supplied the correct WAN IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS servers and I am able to ping the sify servers.My basic problem is that I want to provide a UID and p@$$word in my router settings so I don't have to use the sify login dialer on every computer.Sify is very restrictive they do not support routers and will not tell me the authentication mechnism etc.So my basic questions are1) Can I configure a wireless router with sify2) If I can how do I configure it .. i.e. what settings do I use3) Most important.... do I select PPOE, SingtelRAS, Big Pond Cable, PPTP, L2TP in my router settings... I can provide a UID and p@$$word in the settings. Also what is the authentication server used as I might have to provide that.Alternately if this is not the way to configure the router... do I setup the wireless router with all the IP info and then have the dialer on each of the clients? In which case I might have a MAC address registeration issue.Thanks in advanceSify user in Mumbia
This might give you some idea--

Is it possible for you to run NAT on the router and install the Sify client on it? If it is then I believe your problems are solved.
Originally posted by inetbum@Feb 26 2005, 09:03 PM
This might give you some idea--

Is it possible for you to run NAT on the router and install the Sify client on it? If it is then I believe your problems are solved.

thanks for the feedback but this does not help.... does anyone know the authentication mechinism with sify? so as to provide the UID/p@$$word in the router and not each client?
Hi Susan,

since i just bought D-Link 714P+ just today i am able to post this message after havin configured everythin.....the configuration is pretty simple.

The steps are as follows: (This is how i connect)

Note: Sify now checks the mac address of your lan card. You still need to use their bbclient or some other alternative clients like Easy Sify.

1. I hope you are able to get to the router's config page

2. Go to WAN settings of your router, check whether you can clone your MAC address from any of the configuration available. Or you can call up sify and tell them the mac address of the wireless router, in simple terms the MAC id of the wan port

Cloning just advertises the original MAC address, even though it's hardware is built to utilize a different MAC are just foolin the ISP to think you are connectin from the lan card.

3. Apply and Reboot the router after this setting is done.

4. go back to wAN settings check static ip and provide all the settings(use the values provided by your service operator):

IP address:
subnet mask:
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS

5. Apply and Reboot router again.

thats it....

Now install the Sify Broadband client if its not already installed and get online....

btw what brand of Wireless router have u got there?...

To check the security of your connection....basically the firewall goto: Shields UP!
