Right To Be Forgotten

'Right to be forgotten' ruling creates a quagmire for Google et al | Comment is free | theguardian.com

But behind the lustre lies a much more difficult situation. The EU court's ruling relates to a long-running dispute around a 1998 newspaper article relating to the repossession of a Spanish man's home. The court ruled that the newspaper had acted in the public interest in reporting the news, but that Google's offering a link to the article in search results represented an infringement of his privacy – and so the search giant should delete the result.
The court didn't establish an absolute right to vanish: "a fair balance" should be sought between the public's right to access given information and the "data subject's" right to privacy and data protection.
This creates a real quagmire for any company offering up information online: after how long does a bankruptcy ruling become something that should be private? Is that different if the subject is a celebrity or a politician? What if they offered the information voluntarily (or sold their story) in the first place? How about drug use, or prostitution, or murder? What if a person stands for public office a few years after having their search records scrubbed?
If nothing else, deciding such issues on a case-by-case basis will require huge teams of compliance staff in every tech company (and probably most media companies), and will tie up courts on the limits of each provision for years to come.
I am shocked that Indian government has not caught on yet. This is an incredible piece of legislation that can be misused by both government and private sector.

Google ordered to remove links to ‘right to be forgotten’ removal stories | Technology | The Guardian

Google has been ordered by the Information Commissioner’s office to remove nine links to current news stories about older reports which themselves were removed from search results under the ‘right to be forgotten’ ruling.

The search engine had previously removed links relating to a 10 year-old criminal offence by an individual after requests made under the right to be forgotten ruling. Removal of those links from Google’s search results for the claimant’s name spurred new news posts detailing the removals, which were then indexed by Google’s search engine.

Google refused to remove links to these later news posts, which included details of the original criminal offence, despite them forming part of search results for the claimant’s name, arguing that they are an essential part of a recent news story and in the public interest.

Google now has 35 days from the 18 August to remove the links from its search results for the claimant’s name. Google has the right to appeal to the General Regulatory Chamber against the notice.
i wonder how services like internet archive and archive.is would survive under gdpr.
