Increased BSNL plan online still speed not increased

another downloads giving full speed other sites still old speed😵😵😵😵😵
Bro this is normal behaviour atleast in my state i.e. HP. In the morning its usually slow for everything except google. I get full speeds on YouTube and apps updates on android while for others its 3-4 Mbps. In the night its even for everything most of the time.
Earlier i was on 1199 plan, but due to low speeds in daytime in shifted to 749 superstar 300 plan and got a backup local isp
Im getting 1.6 Mbps on the above server 😆 with 117 ip series. Now changed my ip and its 3Mbps with 59 ip series

now i am getting working good other sites sometime work otherwise no...telegram doesnt work

pray for peace so that we get mobile connection internet back soon
if telegram is blocked... use a free proxy like if you are on mobile, get the warp app.
guys here is the update.i have 899 plan.get full download speed only on youtube and play all u get 200-300 kb
