Honesty Net services first impressions

After a lot of hunting for a good internet connection , I finally decided to opt for Honesty Net Solution. The agent there was quick to pick up my call ( This is the only call he picked up ) , reached my home on 18th Sept evening , and finished with the formalities. He also collected the installation and the monthly charges. Since it was a Friday its understandable that installation won't be happening in the weekend. Then came monday and no one called regarding the connection. Tuesday morning I rang them up and the lady there said that the wiring will be done on that day. I also requested them to do the complete installation on the same day, but that obviously didn't happen. And Wednesday I called them up twice and on both occassions I was told it will be done today by 6:30pm max. I call them up after 6:30pm and boom no one picks up.
Finally I got the broadband set up on thursday (24/9/15) . There was confusion as they messed up with my username.

So the plan I opted for was the unlimited 10 mbps (15mbps night) plan.

Here's the day time speeds

And here are night time speeds (11pm to 8am)

So overall for the price of 1522 this is still a solid deal. Have to see how consistent the connection.
Apart from installation troubles, this is still a good buy for Internet compared to other branded ISPs.
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