Guide for good helath and life for long term

Always have good diet properly with all the nutrients.Green vegetables,milk,cereals,water,fruits,etc.Take meals when you feel hungry and try not to postpone your meal otherwise it will lead to constipation problem and the deterioration of your health.Remember our body is like a engine of a vehicle so we need to take care of it, so like this our body also need care and maintenance and fuel.So fuel for our body is a good and healthy and balanced diet. And make your attitude better towards life be happy always and make positive attitude , always think positive this way your mental health will also be good.And the rest thing is you should make walking and dancing your habit.And try to do some physical work usually and try to avoid physical inactivity.Do some physical work or workout daily whether it is for half an hour.This way you will be healthy for long term.You can also go to gym occasionally for example 3 days a week and really you can sustain this for your whole life.
Hi ashokastrology, you give a very nice detail related to health. As all we know is Health is Wealth & we have to take very much care about our health. Balanced Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Exercise etc all helps in improving health. Playing outside games instead of indoor games, sports, dance all these comes in the category of workout which keep us fit. If some one has no time to do these things then going for a morning walk & evening walk will also helps a lot.
