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Holy smokes.. how the hell my numbers went up there ... I guess FB sync meant FB contacts on android and not vice versa ..Thank god I have iPhone now .. Seems like it is not sharing the numbers with FB .. cos I added a few after changing the handset and those contacts r not there ..
Note: Before you click Remove, you need to make sure syncing is switched off.
To do this, open the Facebook application on your iPhone, click the Friends icon in the main menu, then click Sync in the upper-right.

from the second link.

google i think had disabled facebook sync in android 2.3.
Hmm.. but I wasn't able to see the newly added phone contacts on FB .. Anyways iPhone or android .. FB shouldn't be allowed to fetch phone records ..

well if it has access to your phone records, it would be shown during the installation process. 🙂of course, when android had facebook contact sync, facebook had full access to the address book. the company has stated that the contacts list on their server existed for a long time now and they have no idea why people are complaining about it now. i posted the links above for folks who are not comfortable with it for some reason or the other. facebook mentions that these numbers allow them to find friends for you. one of the 1000s way they mine data for the same. 😀
Facebook keeps violating privacy at will but nobody can do anything. The reason? Its probably written in fine print terms and conditions. But nobody reads it!
When fb for android is installed it prompts for sync, I have never synced it and so no mobile numbers.certain observations:1. Some of my friends, mentioned their mobile numbers in their profile, those numbers are listed.2. I have another account for which i had activated the mobile access (verified with mobile number). That mobile number is there.3. No girl listed in this list! (30% of my friends are female)
the contacts are synced only when you choose to sync them and not otherwise.

i prefer to keep 'background data' and 'auto sync' unchecked on my froyo powered Galaxy 551.


here's what we see on top of the contacts page :

Only you can see your contacts
Your Contacts list is like a phonebook that only you can see. It includes numbers that 1) you may have synced from your phone or 2) your friends have chosen to share with you. To control who sees your contact information
well facebook does say that they have not done anything unusual. this has been the way it has been for a long time.
