DND Services


Staff member
This is apparently an official app from TRAI.

DND Services - Android Apps on Google Play

DND (Do Not Disturb) Services app helps smart phone users to register their mobile number under DND to avoid Unsolicited Commercial Communication(UCC)/Telemarketing Calls/SMS. After registration if telecom subscriber still receives any UCC via SMS or call, then this app will facilitate users to register complaint with their respective tele-service provider. The interface of the app is very user friendly and does not require much of the user intervention. Users can also check their Registration Status and Status of Complaints (Call/SMS). Some options of this App will require internet connection.

This is kind of nice I guess. Assuming these are the complaints I had filed... Looks like Idea did take action against some of my complaints!

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Right. In my case too, quite a few numbers have been disconnected, but I never got any sort of notification.

Motivated me to register complaints against a few more messages.
App permissions


Find accounts in your phone
Can read your contacts.
Can read your SMS
Read your call logs.

I know nobody bothers about it - but this is government app and it probably steals data!

It should just allow me to mention number which sent SMS instead of spying my SMS box and contact list.
All valid permissions except the location one. And you can disable that anyway.

It has to read sms and call logs to let you complain about them. Most such apps hide texts from your contacts so this app might also be using that. Not sure about accounts. It is probably not needed for sending or reading texts.
well it failed to read my own number. i had to enter it manually the first time. i also wonder if it support dual sim devices.
May be it needs to read SMS (but thats also not required - if user can simply copy-paste number in the app)

Why contacts access required?

Its not like junk SMS / marketing call wud come from a contact. And even if it comes from a contact - people are not going to report it.
Right. It does not show the calls from a friend's number from yesterday.

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They have probably taken easy way out. Just ask to allow all permissions - required or not required.

Because most users hardly bother.
Right. It might take a few years before dual/triple sim support is added. 😀

TRAI has kind of failed with this app. They could have used this app to monitor telecom operators who reject DND complaints. Instead, the app tells you to contact the operator if the complaint is not accepted properly.
