Broad Band Connection at your home


Before it is too lateplese suggest the precautions you can take to avart break downof your Broad Band connection.1. My basic doubt is can normal cat5 cable be used for over head connection of cable net?Koparkar
The problem is when there is lightning as its possible the cat5 cable will pick up a charge and then proceed to fry your NIC. So how to tell if lightning is imminent ?By counting the seconds between the flash and the thunder and dividing by 5, an estimate of the distance to the strike (in miles) can be made. Ocassionally you will notice that the storm cloud is passing by the side instead of over you. If you notice it's approaching (
(Fortune-net users of Dombivli)Can any body help me to know 1.If the service given by company is not satisfactory how to handle the case.2. Do as consumer I have any protection under the law?3. Whome should I approch for the complaint?can users of Fortune-net come together and do some thing so that the service will improve.koparkar
