Anyone who used Fedex or UPS Priority to ship from USA to India ?

Bhubaneswar, Orissa
JetSpot 100Mbps
Hi, Im looking to order 7-8 items from Amazon like gloves, caps, jackets, etc. Weight should be around 5-6kg only.
I have thought to do it this way :
  • Order the items and get them delivered to my friend at california.
  • He will remove all the original factory boxes from the products and the invoice too.
  • Then pack all the products inside one big box with just the polythene covers on the products.
  • Ship it with Fedex Priority or UPS Priority.
  • Mark it as GIFT TO COUSIN on the box front cover.

So, is that all correct ?
Or shall I ask him to print a fake bill for all the products and keep it all under 150$, so that the customs would pass it without any duty or charge minimal duty.
Let me know, if you guys have done such direct imports and it worked.
Im not looking to use iShop or ShopnShip or any kind of service. They all charge a bomb and too late delivery.
Let me know.
