Amazon Prime India (Rs. 1499 per year now)

they only show renew option around a month before discontinuation. like before, it should be possible to cancel your subscription and start fresh to get whole year but in this case (may 2022 expiry), it is not worth it. if your subscription was expiring sometime in jan/feb period, it could have made sense.
December 14 seems to be the day.
Amazon has started doing a shitty thing if you renew prime manually using a credit card. without approval they start a mandate on your credit card for auto-renew. their own website provide no option to discontinue auto-renew. there is an option to cancel prime which i am not sure would cancel your prime instantly (which results in you losing one year + leftover of prime). i got on chat and the support guy said that he can do it and he did it and confirmed it. but a few minutes later i did get an intimation about emandate (it was delayed i guess coz it didn't come after i did renew prime). checked the sihub portal and mandate was there. canceled it. though if i check again sihub still shows cancel button even though mandate is marked as deleted so not sure what's going on here. probably just bad ui.
i don't remember exactly but last time when i renewed prime, Amazon made this mandate automatically though i cancelled it manually. Seeing ur post, i checked Sihub again and it shows the entry same like you, but to double sure i cancelled it again. The message si doesn't exist popped up as i cancelled it last year only.
