All IPs issued to me are spammy

Navjot Singh

Staff member
MTNL Delhi seems to have a problem with me. Whatever IP address I get allocated turns out to be a spammy one. Problem is that I can't comment on any blog that has Akismet enabled it seems. All my comments on any blog in the world gets into the spam folder. Happens even when I comment on my own blog as an anonymous user. This irritates me like hell because sometimes I want to genuinely comment somewhere and all I can pray is that blog owner checks for my comment in their spam folder and approves it. Has anyone faced a similar problem? Any workarounds which I can try?
Hi navjotjsingh great to see you here. I am also a webmaster on DP etc. and have also visited nspeaks many years ago. I can understand your issue being a webmaster. I would advise you to use a highly anonymous or anonymous proxy and it should not be a problem. One more reason why comments often go to askimet spam is when you use a particular url as the website name instead of the main domain of your website. Use an anonymous working proxy.
Well this is because of all small small home based SEO companies running in variuos parts of india. They are using automatic bots all over and hence akismet has marked all MTNL and Airtel ips blocks as possible spam...
