About BSNL billing system


I am new subscriber of BSNL broadband. I got my connection from 2nd January 2007. I still have to receive the first bill. After seeing the usage on the usage portal, I have the following doubt. I have taken home 500 plan. From 2.00.a.m to 8.00 a.m whatever I download there is no charge. In the usage site, this is correctly reflected. But what puzzles me is that inspite of my having 2.5 GB per month free quota, why are they charging for all the downloads outside of the 2.00 am to 8.00 a.m. period? Could someone explain me what is the method of BSNL billing?
Maximum you can download/upload should be with in 2.5GB (other than free usage). So make sure, the billed usage comes under 2.5gb !!
just forget about the shown amount at present . the new BSNL portal is yet to improve . just get a confirmation that you have been given home 500 broadband plan . You will not have to pay the huge amountif you have not crossed the quota .
Be careful. Disconnect at about 0155 and re connect 0205 and disconnect around 0755 to avoid overlap.Seems they total the full usage and finally deduct 2560 MB usage @ 90paise/MB (?)Rs 2304 from the total usage amount. for the month. . ( Airtel follows this procedure ).(1GB= 1024MB). If you can post a screen shot of the usage page, it will help the programmers in modifying other usage programs like DQUF DUF DataFox etc. or if you prefer you can PM to InfernalProteus. Thanks.My Airtel as on 15th Jan 27021units Rs 369.38 ( 270210KB they count 10Kb as one unit @ Rs 1/40 MB ) If it exceed Rs 560 I have to pay for the extra usage.
Thank you very much. PM sent to Infernalproteus .
Now your only problem is, it is not showing updated data./ and progressive total.
Your concern is day usage , and I think, I have already suggested some usage(bandwidth) meters to record the D/L U/L data..
Para Two.
For 500Home plan daily day usage can be approx 80MB daily
You can increase this by Using FireFox browser and addons AdBlock plus & FlashBlock Plus. You can enable/disable them as you like. or switch over to IE with add on. IETAB to see the full web page with all advertisements etc.

@essbebeI am already using the meter suggested by you. Thank you. Today the usage portal is showing upto 11th January 2008.Uptodate, I am well within quota. It seems the usage site shuts shop during night hours.Thanks for your help
