Time Setting for Huawei SmartAX MT880/MT882

Uttar Pradesh
Bsnl UL 675
In Huawei mt880/882 whenever i see the log it shows 1 jan 0.00 as its date and time...any one here know about it ??..how to configure NTP server for the current date and time.
try if this works for time server : time-b.nist.gov ( source )
i am talking about the modem smartax mt882 ..i have given the server specified by you ..but got error ..so i put its IP ie. it dint worked at all.. these all the setting has been done in web configuration ..
i have done some changes by CLI too.. i put time server and got sysnc too ..but there is setting called time Zone depends on UTC std. when i put IST for indian time std. it transate it Israeli Standard Time ....how to get Indian std time ...any idea ..i am pasting the CLI o/p..

Clock Synchronized: TRUE
SNTP Standard Version Number: 4
SNTP Mode(s) Configured: Unicast
Local Time: Tue, 01 May 2007 - 16:10:33
Local Timezone: IST, Israeli Standard Time
Time Difference +- UTC: +2:00
Server Stratum: 1
Precision: 1/1073741824 of a second
Root Delay: +0.0 second(s)
Dispersion: 0.0 second(s)
Server Reference ID: ACTS
Round Trip Delay: 0 second(s)
Local Clock Offset: +2147483647 second(s)
Resync Poll Interval: 0 minute(s)
Packet Retry Timeout: 5 second(s)
Packet Retry Attempts: 2


see it is showing UTC+200 what we require is UTC+530 ..

i am talking about the modem smartax mt882 ..i have given the server specified by you ..but got error ..so i put its IP ie. it dint worked at all.. these all the setting has been done in web configuration ..
i have done some changes by CLI too.. i put time server and got sysnc too ..but there is setting called time Zone depends on UTC std. when i put IST for indian time std. it transate it Israeli Standard Time ....how to get Indian std time ...any idea ..i am pasting the CLI o/p..

Clock Synchronized: TRUE
SNTP Standard Version Number: 4
SNTP Mode(s) Configured: Unicast
Local Time: Tue, 01 May 2007 - 16:10:33
Local Timezone: IST, Israeli Standard Time
Time Difference +- UTC: +2:00
Server Stratum: 1
Precision: 1/1073741824 of a second
Root Delay: +0.0 second(s)
Dispersion: 0.0 second(s)
Server Reference ID: ACTS
Round Trip Delay: 0 second(s)
Local Clock Offset: +2147483647 second(s)
Resync Poll Interval: 0 minute(s)
Packet Retry Timeout: 5 second(s)
Packet Retry Attempts: 2


see it is showing UTC+200 what we require is UTC+530 ..

hi all..
The problem solved ..i used time.nist.gov [] as time server and and changed the TimeZone ..now i am getting the current Date/time ..

