DSL LED keeps blinking


I'm experiencing problems with my BSNL BB connection. DSL LED keeps blinking always, but i am not facing noise in my line and the landline works fine. The DSL is never connecting.
Most of the time the status shows TRAINING and sometimes STARTED and CHANNEL_ANALYSIS. I tried registering complaints many times but didnt help. Only reason for me too keep this land line is BB.
Diagonising shows this.
Test the connection to your local network
Test your ENET(1-4) Connection: FAIL
Test your Wireless Connection: PASS
Test the connection to your DSL service provider
Test ADSL Synchronization: FAIL
Test ATM OAM F5 segment ping: FAIL
Test ATM OAM F5 end-to-end ping: FAIL
Test the connection to your Internet service provider
Test PPP server connection: FAIL
Test authentication with ISP: PASS
Test the assigned IP address: FAIL
Ping default gateway: FAIL
Ping primary Domain Name Server: PASS
1. Check cable.2. Reset modem and reconfigure it to check.3. DSL unstable could be an issue at exchange, talk to them.
Line fault.. Check if your modem is wired directly through the Adsl splitter, also the modem should come 1st in your writing loopHave you changed the power adapter for your modem? Because low voltage to modem also results in bsnl line disconnection
*Tried replacing cables
*Connection is given through splitter, I tried a direct connection also.

-I 'l check the adapter
-Let me try resetting.

I don't think talking to the exchange won't help. BSNL is always a sarkari company. Even if the problem is with the exchange, they won't admit it and won't be even ready to check it.

It connects rarely. I took the stats last night when the connection was up. i am updating it below. Can anyone check and let me know if there's something wrong.
Resetting the modem will result is losing the configured bb account right ?So what is the password ? same 'password' ?
I tried resetting. That too didn't help.

This docsays SNR should be more than 12.

I have 28.5 for downstream and 7 for upstream. So problem is with exchange or the line?

Your problem isn't the snr, that is just a result of the problem... U see that 64 figure in you're upstream attenuation.. Shouldn't be more than 20, maybe there are joints in your phone line.. Check it again.. Are you sure you put the modem wire in the Adsl slot in the filter?Make that attenuation go away, snr well improve, and so will your line probs. Call bsnl and tell them to check line pair
Yes. There's a joint in my line open to the atmosphere. It should be the problem. I have raised a complaint to BSNL. I will ask them to replace the line.

Are you sure you put the modem wire in the Adsl slot in the filter?
Connection is through the splitter.
I just tried replacing my modem. The results were surprising. Net works fine.
See my new statistics

Attenuation and SNR improved lot. Don't know what's wrong with the modem. It's 3 year old. Is there anyway it can be fixed, or a settings problem?
