Instapaper Updates

Navjot Singh

Staff member
Instapaper Updated
Coming up next: New versions of the Instapaper iOS and Android apps, rife with excellent new features (like useful ways to sort and filter your unread items) but staying true to Instapaper’s core values of clean design, intuitive interfaces, and non-nonsense functionality. We’re also building a mobile web interface, browser extensions and add-ons for the major web browsers, improved subscription and customer support infrastructure, new social integrations, RSS support, and many other things besides.
Beta Site Link
Premium features now available to all users:

Full-text search for all articles
Unlimited Notes
Text-to-speech playlists
Unlimited speed reading
"Send to Kindle" via bookmarklet and mobile apps
Kindle Digests of up to 50 articles
An ad-free Instapaper website
so instapaper app is completely broken on android. for some reason both the permissions for the app were disabled on my phone. enabling them got it working on my phone for now.

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just assume most if not all features are for paying customers.

Price will change from $3/month ($30/year) to $6/year($60/year) from 1 Jan 2024.

Good time to subscribe if someone is interested. They are also introducing Permanent archive which means even if the article is deleted, it's copy will be maintained by Instapaper if you saved it.
Increased Investment: We’ve heard from many of you that you want faster feature development in Instapaper. Our new pricing will allow us to hire more engineers so we can deliver more features faster.
Advanced Premium Features: Many customers are asking for additional Premium features like Permanent Archive, enhanced text-to-speech voices, automatic organization, and summarization tools. We’re excited to build these features, and they will require additional infrastructure to operate. The new pricing ensures we can deliver them while maintaining a self-sustaining business.
Minimizing Price Changes: We’re proud that Instapaper Premium pricing has remained consistent since 2014. When considering this price change, we wanted to ensure we won’t need to increase the price for the foreseeable future.
We’re also launching Instapaper Premium for Students, which will be available at the previous price of $3/month or $30/year. To qualify please write in to with your name, date of graduation, and a copy of your student ID.

Permanent Archive seems to be something they are planning to build.
