Excitel Broadband connection being resold illegally

just use a download manager which usually extracts all the available bandwidth and make the most of it. as long as it is unlimited, 800 bucks is a great deal in any case. maybe excitel would notice unusually high usage on this account and investigate on their own.
too bad you cannot apply for a disconnection from the backend. you can just check stats and pay for renewal. little else.

to be honest, 1TB is nothing for a 50mbps connection. i do not consider myself a heavy user and i end up using 800GBs as per Excitel backend. and i am the only user at my place that use this connection properly.

right now. my 10 day usage is 430.36GB. i do not think the counter is very accurate because my usage has not changed much from the times of reliance and at that time i used around 200-300GB in a month.
