Ipvanni Or Voyz?


Does anyone have feedback on the network quality of either of these services? ipvanni.com or voyz.netHas anyone been able to set-up ipvanni successfully at India? One of my friend sent it to India but is having problem setting ipvanni up. Their customer service seems to be bad and they are reluctant to help as well.Anyone had success with voyz? How good/bad are they? Appreciate any feedback.TQ - MVSorry..the site is ipvaani.com
Actually Both can't be guarenteed. Both have shared infrastructure and in long run(1 or 2 years) they won't be able to sustain. Instead i would recomend you to buy one pap2 for Rs2800+ from ebay.in. Tell the person(seller) to preconfigure by the FWD(Free world dialup) account and send it to your indian home. You are ready to call free via access numbers(US local numbers) given on FWD site (two step dialing).
