Bridge Mode Connection Disappeared!

Apoorv Khatreja

Super Loser
Reliance Thunder 1099 4 Mbps UL
I am a bridge mode user. No problems. Using since 3 months.

@cyberwiz - If you remember, you had helped me in setting up my connection.

Today, I normally started my computer, tried to connect to the internet, by dialling my default connection, was unable to do so. Clicking on the connection resulting in nothing. Nothing at all. No response.

To my horror, the connection did not exist in the Network Connections window! But the shortcut was still on the desktop.

OK, no big deal, I thought. I'd just make a new connection. But no, I can't even do that now.

The second option is faded out. Great. Now what do I do. Checked router properties. Everything fine. DSL Status - Bridged mode, Up. What could possibly be the problem?
i dont think its related to DSL connection.its either some network driver problem or u didnt login as administrator
I don't need to install any network driver. I never have. And moreover, there is only one user on my computer and that is admin.
Problem solved. I used this tutorial on Digit Forum, and changed some services to MANUAL. I didn't realise by the problem started at that time. I reverted the changes, problem solved.
