SuperSify: Alternative Sify Broadband Client

Thanks a bunch Brian! The keep alive function makes this easily the best Sify alternative client ever!May I suggest a few features for the future?1) Run as a service/hidden/in the taskbar (so the CMD console window isn't open all the time)2) an .ini file or something similar so all setting can be stored there (what if I want to increase the timeout 7 seconds to 30?) and the command line arguments don't need to be called always.Thanks again!
Thanks Brian, for the new version of Supersify with Keep Alive. I finally got it it to work after reading your info for the uniniated on the Supersify homepage.Being a n00b when it comes to software, I have a little doubt. As you mentioned, the console remains open, even if the -k switch is specified in the shortcut target. But what if one specifies the -a switch with values for the Keep Alive function and uses the "quit" command to close the console, but remain logged in? Does the program still keep checking for the Keep Alive status even though the console is closed? I would be highly grateful to you if you could clarify the above doubt.Best regards and thanks a million for the great piece of software.
Hey guys,
Yes, I know the console being left open like that is a bit irritating, so am definitely going to do something about it in the next version which will be a GUI / console mix. @darksoul, yes, this will have some presets in an ini file so a double click should be all that's needed to get going.

@darksoul, I assumed 7 seconds should be more than enough for the keep alive test, but I admit I did not put too much thought into it. I can make this configurable, but any particular reason why you would want to increase this time, in your experience could it actually take more than 7 seconds to just establish the connection?

Unfortunately keep alive will not run if you use quit - that terminates the program immediately along with the keep alive thread.

As mentioned on the site, I use "java -jar...." in the batch file to launch SuperSify (or you maybe using this directly). You could try editing the batch file and replace java with javaw. This will not give you any feedback at all, all you can see is javaw running in your process list and the only way to terminate it is to kill the process (so you can't logout). I'm not sure how well this will work, or if this will work at all, let me know.

Replacing java with javaw works fine, but my processes window doesn't show any process named javaw!😕
Screenshot of processes window

Also, I am able to logout using a shortcut to the batch file with the -l -k switch without having to kill any process! The number of processes running remain the same! I wonder if Keep Alive would be functioning in this scheme of things? 😕

This means Keep alive is not working. I don't have a Sify connection but the process did stay around for me, but I know another user had the same experience you did.

javaw is not recommended for console processes anyway, so I guess you might as well wait for the next version 🙂 🙁

Thanks for the feedback.
@darksoul, I assumed 7 seconds should be more than enough for the keep alive test, but I admit I did not put too much thought into it. I can make this configurable, but any particular reason why you would want to increase this time, in your experience could it actually take more than 7 seconds to just establish the connection?

Yup, it has taken longer to establish connections - see, if you're running bandwidth hogging apps like a torrent client etc, sometimes SuperSify doesn't get a response in time because the pipe is choked 🙂 Then reconnecting also could take a little longer because your torrent client or download manager is trying to open multiple connections.

For instance, on my "download mule" PC, it usually takes 2-3 attempts by SuperSify to log in everythime the connection dies. My batch shortcut connection string includes "-a 3600/180" - so the first attempt usually fails, then the second one usually connects after 3 minutes.

This is not a problem in any way, just a quirk that could be played around with when you release the next version with an .ini file etc

Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

Thank you Brian for the excellent work. Special thanks for adding the keepalive support - I just sat down to schedule a cron job to login at hourly intervals, but thought I'd check and found a new version! Have absolutely no idea what kind of morons are running Sify... having fun knocking off users at oddest of times.Just for record, I'm using it on Ubuntu Linux with GNU Java - no need for Sun's java, just have to provide the MAC with -m. It works just fine, only takes a few seconds to connect to the sify server. All good!Also, the account info display is a nice addition, iirc it was there with the old version which i used with wine almost a year back 🙂
Hi everyone,Supersify's keep alive function seems to have stopped working for me! Let me explain: It used to connect and login, and then reconnect at least 5-6 times a day automatically and everything was working fine.But, three days ago, it stopped reconnecting. As in the "verbose" log would show no activity after it logged in for the first time. Predictably, my connection has been dying after 5-6 hours because of Sify. Am I the only person facing this problem? Is there a way I can debug/track logs/figure out what is happening?I'm back to my "scheduled task" running every 4 hours 🙁
ups,Thanks, good to know it works with GNU J as well. I recommend Java 6 only for the mac address auto-detection, otherwise all versions 1.4 and up are just great. Yes, the account display was present in the older version, had forgotten to put it into this one.darksoul,I'll keep the load issues you mentioned in mind, I did not think about that aspect at all.Regarding your current problems, are you still using -a 3600/180? I can't figure out why it would work all this time and just stop, made any changes at all? Sanity check: is SS running at the time? Note that SS checks for ability to connect to, can you check if you are able to ping that when you drop "offline"? (in case there is partial connectivity).Thanks!Brian.
I had created the auto login Function On Which You Have To Just Press 1. For Login 2. For Logout
You Just Have To create A New Bat File on the desktop And copy The Following Code (Without The Line) and save it to bat file


@echo off

echo 1. Login :
echo 2. Logout :
set choice=
set /p choice=What To Do.
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' goto login
if '%choice%'=='2' goto logout
ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again
goto start

cd c:\supersify0.9
ss -u ( USERNAME ) -p (PASSWORD)

cd c:\supersify0.9
ss -l

after copying it
you have to copy the supersify 0.9 to C:\ and rename the folder to supersify0.9

Just Replace ( USERNAME ) with Your Username
And (PASSWORD) With Your Password
after that double click the bat file on desktop and press the opton you want
After I noticed that SuperSify wa not reconnecting, I changed the keepalive argument to "-a 300/60". That didn't seem to work either. It just connects once and logs me in, after which it seems to stay dormant.🙂 Yes, SS is running when the connection drops, and no, can't be pinged at the time. Is there a way I can write SS activity to a log file to check what its doing? I mean is it trying to connect to google and somehow succeeding? Or is it not trying to connect at all?
Great work! kudos to you for the nice work. Gives us folks a great alternative to the mindless piece of software provided by Sify.

ss is working fine on my Ubunutu 7.10 but I am encountering the following error on my windows laptop.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.w3c.dom.Element.getTextContent()Ljava/lang/String;	at com.thegoan.supersify.Util.getText(	at com.thegoan.supersify.Util.getText(	at com.thegoan.supersify.SuperSify.parseInitXML(	at com.thegoan.supersify.SuperSify.coreLogin(	at com.thegoan.supersify.SuperSify.login(	at com.thegoan.supersify.SuperSify.start(	at com.thegoan.supersify.Controller.main( in thread "main"
I have Sun's Java version 1.4 on XP.

Working with Sify had been a pain right from the beginning. But after finding out about supersify and getting the wireless router setup, things have been smooth. I connect to sify from my ubuntu laptop via wireless without any problems. XP on the other hand is giving grief. I hope someone can lend a hand.


Here is the verbose output:
ss -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx -m 00-0D-9D-8C-71-E7 -v 2 SuperSify version 0.9 XXXXXXXConnecting to Sify server...Sending>>srcip=
The quickest solution is to upgrade to Java 1.5 or 1.6 (where you don't need to specify the Mac address). SuperSify should also work on 1.4, but no sense in debugging this particular type of problem unless you cannot upgrade.Hope this helps.
