How to forward port 80 and 443 on Excitel Broadband connection

Hi Everyone,

I have created a media server using Raspberry Pi and NextcloudPi. It is working fine locally. I want to access the server through Internet through duckdns(a dynamic dns provider). So for that ports 80 and 443 should be opened. I own a Excitel fiber connection with a DBC XPON router. I tried to see the port forwarding settings on the router's admin dashboard but was unable to find any.
I also contacted Excitel and they simply told me that they can not provide static IP. I am not sure if there is any relation with port forwarding. Can anyone please provide their inputs regarding my issue. I am really at a loss here as there are no other service providers in my area(Ghaziabad).
Any help is appreciated.
you can't, Excitel is on carrier grade NAT.

Use ZeroTier to access devices outside LAN.

Thank you @JB701 for your suggestion. I am going to try ZeroTier as suggested. I have one confusion, will I have to install ZeroTier on all the devices from which I need access the RPi4 through Internet? I know that I have to install it on RPi4 atleast. So if you have any inputs let me know.
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Thanks a lot @JB701 . I really appreciate all the help and useful links provided. Both the links provided were useful. I was not expecting a headless setup for ZeroTier on RPi4 and was thinking of purchasing a monitor. Thanks for saving me some money. I am now able to access the NextCloud Server. One more question that I have is, can I assign a DNS name to the static IP that I have assigned to my server/RPi4?
Simplest solution would be to buy a domain name and put the ZeroTier IP on subdomain.

*.cyou is an cheap TLD on I got three domains for three years myself for 15 Dollars.

Edit: right now .cyou is cheaper on namesilo.

Alternatively if don't want to spend any money for first year go for .tk tld .

Also, you don't need a monitor to access desktop of Raspi. You can install X2Go to access.

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I have finally resolved the issue. I have used ngork to create virtual tunnel. I tried to use ngork earlier but was unable as I was running the service on port 80. When I ran the nrogk http service on port 443, I was able to access the NextCloud server using the domain name shown on the ssh terminal. NextCloud uses port 80 for http and 443 for https. I am really not sure why I was not able to access the NextCloud on port 80. This may help if someone is stuck in the similar problem. The problem with ngork is, once the raspberry pi is restarted you will have to restart the ngork service as well and of course the domain address will also be changed. Though my use case don't have any problem with it.
