DNS over QUIC Protocol


Kochi, KL
DNS-over-QUIC uses QUIC as Transport Protocol. Unlike TCP based DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS, DNS over QUIC is much faster as QUIC is based on UDP and is built for speed. Regular unencrypted DNS works over UDP. Unlike TCP or UDP, QUIC packets has built in encryption.

You can read more about QUIC from this article: The Road to QUIC

You can read about DNS-over-QUIC on here: draft-huitema-dprive-dnsoquic-00 - Specification of DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections

Currently DNS-over-QUIC is in draft state. dnsproxy is the first open source DNS Proxy server to support DNS-over-QUIC AdguardTeam/dnsproxy

AdGuard Home also supports this ofcourse as it uses dnsproxy internally: Releases · AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome

From their GitHub page:
At this moment, the only major public DNS resolver that provides DNS-over-QUIC is AdGuard DNS. 😎 Use quic://dns-unfiltered.adguard.com in the upstreams settings to start using AdGuard DNS "Non-Filtering".
unexpected. cloudflare is not supporting something that is not yet a standard!
The only noticeable difference with this protocol would be during the very first DNS request, when the Encryption handshake is yet to take place.

It doesn't seem to theoretically improve DNS lookup times for all subsequent requests.
Adguard has launched it.
Developers of Pi-Hole are not a fan of this 😄

