There is a massive outcry from businesses and offices because no other state has applied restrictions.
I am checking hospital occupancy daily in delhi, its only going up.
People tend to forget that this is for space where someone infected might have exhaled 20 minutes ago. Essentially, proximity doesn't matter. You have to assume any space might have the airborne virus. Empty restaurant seating area for instance.
@tatyasky Is one of the asymptomatic patient for the most part. I think he had a fever for a brief while and then just fatigue. While many friends of mine have been terribly affected (no hospitalization).
Could be Delta?

I don't mean to say that Omicron isn't lethal, but people are sharing mixed experiences even news outlets.
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It’s definitely less severe, that’s been shown by dozens of studies and real life data. However less severe doesn’t mean zero severity so if hundreds of million of people get it, a lot will still die

