Why is Voicemail not popular in India ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Smh
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  • Replies Replies 7
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May be because:
  1. People want to talk to real person?
  2. Are not sure / no guarantee if other person will listen to it OR even reply
  3. Family members may listen to voice mail?
  4. In case of Landline phone - very few had handset capable of voice mail
  5. Voicemail is never marketed by mobile operators
  6. Not many know how to retrieve voicemail and listen
May be because of 1, 2 and 3.. they think it wont be popular and hence no point in wasting money in marketing something which they think will not generate revenue.
voicemail is a carrier specific feature right? i mean it is bundled for a price in mobile plans? kind of make no sense on smartphones as they already have the storage to keep voicemails and software alone could handle this feature. i assume in america, the recordings are stored with the carrier which means user has to pay for the functionality?
if device is switched off or not reachable then voicemail cannot be stored so it is required to be stored at carriers' facility.

there are apps but all depends upon carrier, there is nothing like a DND app which would record voice message if you reject or do not answer.

An app like this would make sense right ?
