Voldemort’s Nagini will get a proper origin story in Crimes of Grindelwald

Nagini is a core figure in the Harry Potter universe. She’s Lord Voldemort’s loyal snake; a creature who slithers close to him, acting not only as the Dark Lord’s weapon, but also a safe keeper for his horcrux.

Crimes of Grindelwald will act as the first canonical extension of Nagini’s history. Nagini used to be a woman, and according to actress Claudia Kim, is a Maledictus. She can transform into a snake at will, but will eventually stop being able to transform back into her human state. Rowling followed up to a fan’s question on Twitter about the difference between an Animagus (a wizard who can turn into an animal at will, like Sirius Black transforming into Padfoot), and a Maledictus. .

“The slow transformation into a beast is beyond their control, but they aren’t destined to be evil,” Rowling tweeted. “Maledictuses are always women, whereas werewolves can be either sex. The Maledictus carries a blood curse from birth, which is passed down from mother to daughter.”

“She does feel sometimes it’s not controllable,” Kim told Entertainment Weekly. “She is bound to [permanently] transform at some point to a beast so she feels this pressure that the clock is ticking.”
