Bug Report: Jio connectivity drops completely while using proxies


Before providing the bug report, I would have to accept honestly that Jio is turning out to be an awesome service till now, and there has been very few service disruptions and no major network breakdowns over the last three months when I have been using Jio. The speeds have decreased a bit, but it is evident and completely acceptable as the network has now a lot more users compared to three months back. I had bought the Wind 4 phone for Rs.6800 only for the test SIM, and I can say that it has been worth every penny that I have spent.

However, I would like to report a serious bug which I have noticed time and again with the Jio network while using proxies or VPNs (proxies creates more problems than VPN). I have been noticing this bug for all these months and tested it time and again to be sure. I am 100% sure that this bug exists and kills off the connection completely as soon as proxies are used. Jio network cannot seem to handle proxies at all.

It sounds odd, but whenever a proxy is used in the browser, for example, the Jio 4G network drops most of the times instantly without any valid reason. It is a weird bug which I have never seen with any other network be it broadband or mobile internet till date. Using a proxy is like a kill switch for Jio where the Jio internet suddenly stops working as soon as I start browsing something using a proxy in the browser. Then I need to go the network settings in the mobile and reset/restart the LTE connection. It then works for a while, and the internet suddenly stops as soon as I use a proxy. The surprising fact is that the whole network drops and not only the browser. The Internet on all other connected devices for the Jio network also stops working. This is a serious bug and I hope that they fix it out before the public launch of the network.

Rest I have not noticed any other serious bug till date and I have to accept that the connectivity and network have been awesome till date. I would, in fact, say that the network has been a lot more stable than my BSNL ADSL broadband connection.
That really doesn't make sense unless Jio was blacklisting the IP addresses that the proxies are using.

I've been able to use SOCKS5 and all my VPNs with 0 issues.
The proxy which I am referring to is a dedicated US private proxy (bought from a popular US proxy provider) and I use it mainly to browse shared SEO accounts. There is no other use of the proxy except to login to shared SEO accounts (mostly by light users who do not need the expensive dedicated accounts themselves) and it is a dedicated proxy. So, there isn't any chance of the IP being blacklisted. Leave apart Jio blacklisting it, that is a virgin dedicated IP and not even blocked by Facebook or Google.

The reason I can be 100% sure that this is a serious bug is because it has happened like 100 times over the last couple of months. It does not happen every time but happens most of the time. I need to restart the 4G again on the mobile phone (the proxy is used on Firefox browser in my computer connected through hotspot) for the internet to work again. Then, it again drops off after some time as I use the proxy. This happens repeatedly and almost every day. When I connect through VPN, it at times temporarily breaks for a few seconds but is overall fine. But using a proxy in a browser is where it creates major problems. The Jio network has almost never dropped except on when I used proxies. And I can confirm that after testing the network thoroughly for 3 months. The network is nearly flawless except for this problem.

Just to add, I use HTTP proxies but private dedicated ones if that makes any difference.
Okay so you are tethered over USB? Have you tried accessing the net from 2 different devices at the same time? One configured for the proxy and one without the proxy?
try and factory reset your lyf device if you are using one.. am not sure but give it a shot and update your divece also.
