Interesting finds


So I use wireless Railwire and yesterday decided to run a massive ping script on both 192.168.*.* and 172.16.*.* - 172.31.*.*

and today i wake up to an interesting result. So from what I have observed railwire either told their employees to not subnet out network or they don't know $hit about network security.

So the 192.168.*.* range hit about 408 active ip's I was going through some of them and found their cctv webportal ftp and other services they run.

172.16.*.* script is running till now and only managed to hit around 138 active ip. I guess this is the ip range they use to connect their network, more specifically 192.168.31.*

I wanted to get the Mikrotik router ip which they provided but I find something exciting or rather bizarre. People running webservice on their private ip please take appropriate measures. Change username/password, change firewall settings.
Well I have seen peering to be working in rw but never able to get more than my subscribed bandwidth speed i.e. 2mbps .. and no I didn't see any speed benefits on websites from peering only torrent peering seems to work.
