Getting printed statements from SBI


Staff member
So I had to get dad's SBI account passbook updated. I went to the bank branch and noticed that they had an automated machine to update passbooks along with the ATM.

I decided to test it out. It worked first time and printed two transactions. But on second attempt it failed showing an error.


I went to the bank again today and their machine kind of refused to print the transactions that were botched up the automated machine.

The guy on the counter told me to go to the parent branch and get it updated from there. As their own machine cannot print out statements that are supposedly updated already in their records in the passbook.


Now my dad tells me that even the parent branch people cannot update the passbook with transactions that have already been processed by one of their machines and the only way to get it is through printed statements on sheets of paper.

I suppose even this is understandable.

He also told me that SBI would not give you printed statements for the transactions that have been printed in the passbook.

Now I have never held an account in SBI but this sounds illogical to me. SBI should be able to update the passbook with older statements and should provide access to printed statements of any period on demand right?

Anyone has any ideas? Just curious. No point arguing with dad in case he is wrong about the whole thing.
Well, that's unfortunately how PSU banks function.

One of my relatives faces constant problems with pension credits despite submitting all documents. Often, he is told to travel to the main branch to submit documents again (that branch is 40kms away).

Another relative has TDS deducted despite submitting the requisite form. Then he has to wait several months and file return to get back that money. Both are examples of frustrating routines to have to undergo specially for people from the prior generation.

No wonder these public banks are in dire straits financially. The "chalta hai' attitude never left them.
May be tell them (written application) you lost old passbook and want new one with 1 year transactions printed.

They may just issue fresh one ... if lucky then for free!
I find it annoying that government would not deposit dad's pension in a private account. There is a special pension account opened in SBI for receiving pensions. I have asked him several times to not use this account. As soon as the money comes, just transfer it his account in ICICI. But no use.
